Vitamin & Mineral Test + Personalized Vitamins (3 Month Supply)

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Understand your nutrition needs through lab testing and receive personalized vitamins to meet your micronutrient needs. Your personalized vitamins are formulated by our nutrition scientists and custom made by our partner FDA registered facility.


About Our Test

Our Vitamin and Mineral Test provides insights into the following:

  • Nutritional imbalances including:  Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Fatty Acids
  • No test kit required!  Simply send in your hair sample as directed in your follow up email!
  • Access to our Healthogenics Portal
  • Personalized Support and Guidance
  • Easy to Understand Results Report


About Our Personalized Vitamins

Precisely Personalized Formula

  • Utilizing cellular levels for up to 40 micronutrients
  • Individualized formula for your exact needs
  • Targets improved cellular function

Specific Dosing, Exact Ingredients

  • Personalized to provide you vitamins and minerals you actually need
  • Ingredients formulated by our nutrition scientists based on your lab test findings
  • Exact personalized dose, every single ingredient

All-in-one, Custom Compounded

  • Formulas reviewed & approved by our physician and nutrition science team
  • NSF-GMP registered manufacturing
  • FDA Registered and Compliant Facility
  • Highest regulatory standard for medical-grade supplements

Convenient, Confidential & Secure

  • Concierge experience
  • Easy ordering and no fuss subscription plans
  • Personal & health data is private and secure

Our Commitment to Quality

Our premium vitamins are just that – premium – they’re made with high quality, traceable, raw ingredients in the USA-based, cGMP Compliant lab.

Truly Personalized To You

The amount of nutrients your body requires should be based on your age, gender, diet, and lab testing.


What is your personalized vitamin formula?

Your personalized vitamin formula is created based on your vitamin & mineral test. It contains the exact micronutrients that your body currently needs. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc. We provide a blends of the most important vitamin and minerals based on your lab test findings.

How is my personalized vitamin formula created?

We work closely with our partner FDA registered facility and we use the most up to date research and the expertise of our scientists and doctors to build the best personalized vitamin product possible.

Why is there a need for micronutrients?

We find via our testing that most of the US adult population have an increased need for vitamins and minerals and that the following items are contributing factors to our imbalances:

Eating habits

An unbalanced diet including convenience foods and not enough whole foods and cooking at home has led to deficiencies in adults as they are not optimally supplied through daily diets.


Both physical and emotional health affects our body’s function. When we are stressed, our bodies require more vitamins, minerals and other important micronutrients for energy metabolism and the demands of optional metabolism.


Most Americans are stressed, don’t get enough sleep, don’t eat enough nutrient dense foods, and may work too much leading to micronutrient deficiencies. Substances like alcohol, smoking, and vaping can all lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. All which can lead to poor health. That is where Healthogenics helps fill the gap with our personalized vitamin formula.

How are the vitamins custom designed based on my lab report findings?

Healthogenics custom vitamin formula takes into account your unique micro nutrient risk factors and accordingly uses a high ‘high’, ‘medium’, ‘low’ value of corresponding micronutrients. As it’s a specially made formula, it takes 7 days to ship.

All Natural: Our custom formula has all natural ingredients with no added fillers and its gluten-free/vegan friendly.


Who should take personalized vitamins? 

Physical complaints: Personalized vitamins are ideal for people with low energy, difficulty concentrating, cravings, headaches, brittle hair, skin, and nails along with bloating, flatulence, and those that show micronutrient needs from lab testing.

Psychological complaints: Personalized vitamins are ideal for people with mood swings, depressed moods, anxiety, exhaustion, increased aggression, and feelings of highs and lows.

Chronic complaints: Personalized vitamins are ideal for people with low energy, inflammation, hypothyroidism, problems sleeping, and gastrointestinal complaints.


How long long and how often should I take Healthogenics personalized vitamin formula?

We provide you with a 3 month supply of personalized vitamins based on your lab test findings and process your automatic refill every 3 months so you never run out! The daily dose is on average one capsule. The duration of use of the personalized vitamins depends on your personal goals. To achieve an optimal effect, long term is advisable. However, it is advisable to retest after taking the personalized vitamins for 6 months in order for us to make adjustments to your vitamin and mineral needs.


Are your personalized vitamins compatible with a vegan lifestyle?

Our personalized vitamins come to you as vegan, easy to swallow capsules. We do not use any additives, colorants or agents in the production process.

How much do your personalized vitamins cost?

Your Personalized Vitamin order renews every 3 months at the cost of $199 + shipping.  You are able to cancel any time prior to your next order.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.